My name is Shayleen McHugh, I am the owner of The Light Journey - a mobile Reiki practice in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The Light Journey offers confidential healing sessions where you are the center of attention for whatever your healing needs. It is a unique healing experience and no session is ever the same. You are the one who sets the intention as you are in control of your healing.
Reiki is a Japanese word meaning ‘Universal Life Energy.’ It is a holistic, therapeutic system which uses light touch and intention to transfer sacred, living energy to a person, place, situation or thing, infusing it with a loving, healing force. It is defined as being that power which acts and lives in all created matter. It works on the principle that we are more than just our physical body; that we have an emotional, mental and spiritual body as well. In order for us to be vibrant, healthy and whole, these energy bodies need to be aligned.
For as long as I remember, I have been perceptive and sensitive to the energies around me. My intuition has guided me with information and experiences that have come to me with a sense of 'knowing’ - from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning that have come to be true. It is only in recent years that I began to understand that it is and always has been my purpose to help others as they walk their spiritual paths. I am also on a spiritual journey, as we all are, however, I was not always aware of myself as a spiritual being. I spent many years struggling with anxiety and depression. Stuck in unfulfilling retail jobs before it became clear to me that my time and energy was better suited for something more meaningful, something I was passionate about, believed in and could be proud of. I had graduated from high school and gained years of work experience. I learned how to provide the highest quality of customer service while conducting myself in a polite and professional manner. I have the ability to communicate and listen effectively, I am organized, detail oriented, self-motivated and punctual. In addition, four years in university expanded my social networking skills and my passion for communicating with and educating others.
All of these experiences, however beneficial, had also left me feeling unfulfilled. These things didn’t make me a better person, they weren’t in line with the values I held in my heart or lived by or up to. I fought the winds of change for 2 whole years and it was starting to affect my physical and mental health. I had no direction, no other job lined up, I didn’t want to go back to school, I just knew that I couldn’t continue on with how I was living. That I was meant for something bigger, something more.
I had to make a decision… either to continue on as I had been, subscribing to the 9 – 5 working life, or take a risk and quit.
I believe that the universe will always give us what we need, it is up to us to be open to receiving it. You can call it a coincidence, but I believe everything happens for a reason. As I was struggling through my last job we had hired a young woman who had an amazing energy. She was kind and open and loving I remember thinking 'I want that’. Her energy was magnetic and contagious! During our time working together, we had many conversations about life and spirituality. She told me about Reiki as I had never heard about it before, and that she was a Reiki Master. We grew to be friends and after I made the decision to quit my job, she gave me my first Reiki healing. It was an incredible non-physical experience that was as real as anything you can physically grasp. It was so powerful and affirming I felt that it was everything that I had been looking for. We shared an incredible spiritual experience and I am honored to still call her my friend today.
I spent almost 4 months unemployed. I read, wrote, did research and spent a lot of time with myself contemplating what I wanted to do, how I wanted to spend my time and each step I took led me closer and closer to the realization that I had been working towards my calling all along.
I took the first, second and third degree Usui Reiki Master course and started working for small business owners. I gained experience, started to save money and made the transition into having my own business. I am passionately dedicated about The Light Journey because it is something I can be proud of at the end of the day. It is time I will use towards making myself a better person, connecting with others and helping them to feel aligned, relaxed, healed and whole.
“What do you see when you close your eyes?
It is only through the darkness can you find the light, and find yourself.”
My childhood was a catalyst; it was the spark that ignited in me a curiosity of human origins and behavior. Why are we here? Where did we come from? What is my purpose? What happens when we die? All questions I found myself asking or facing in some form or another. I didn’t understand then that everything I was going through was prompting me towards something bigger. That life was equipping me with everything I would need to walk my path.
I was seventeen the first time I looked up at the stars and felt like I missed them, like somehow that was home.
How can you miss a place you’ve never been I thought? It was my awakening, a realization of being part of something bigger than any one of us can understand. An enlightenment that we are all star-stuff; an intrinsic part of this beautiful and chaotic universe. The desire to understand led me to pursue Psychology, Sociology, and Philosophy in hopes of finding my own meaning and purpose. The desire to help and connect with others (among other universal influences) is what led me to take the Reiki Master course at Mount Royal University. It was an amazing and fulfilling experience that I am honored to share and dedicate my time to.
I truly believe we all come from the same source and one day we will return to it. Every body and every thing exists of energy. This energy flows through us, surrounds us and nourishes us; it is the reason why we are able to live. It is in the sun, the stars, the air we breathe, the food we eat and in the plants and animals that surround us.
In this sense, I view myself as part of the largest community! The community of love and life and light. I want to add to it by creating a safe and loving space that helps people heal and connect with each other.
We all have some healing to do in one form or another and when we honor ourselves by holding that time and space to connect with the spirit, our energy is flowing and we feel alive, vibrant and healthy. Once our energy becomes drained or blocked by physical, emotional or mental problems, we become ill. Reiki creates the space for you to connect with yourself, to find the root of what ails you. Everything we need to know resides within us and Reiki connects us with the energy we need to understand our problems and work through them.
I am passionate about connecting with people as well as the life-changing experience that comes by realizing your life potential through Reiki. The Light Journey is for those with a desire for spiritual growth, who seek to connect with the self, to heal and to answer questions about life, consciousness, and spirituality.
Shayleen can be contacted via The Light Journey.
She also offers Distance Healing for those who are not in Calgary.
Be sure to check out some of her amazing Blog posts, and listen to some of her favorite music via The Light Journey playlist on LifeGarden Production's Spotify!
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